"I don't need flood insurance, I have homeowner insurance I am covered...." Wrong. In this blog we will discuss exactly what flood insurance is and why you may want to cover your home.

Flood insurance pays for damage to a home caused by storm surges. A storm surge as defined by Google is " a rising of the sea as a result of atmospheric pressure changes and wind associated with a storm." In the words of many underwriters and insurance agents a flood is the cause of rising waters. Although your standard home insurance policy may cover you for water damage cause by a leak in your bathroom, it does NOT pay for flood damage.
Why does this matter?
Hurricane Harvey, still fresh in many American's minds left millions of dollars in damages in Houston, Texas. Flood waters continued to rise even after the storm passed. Much of the damage was not due to the hurricane force winds themselves but rather the rainfall that came along with the storm.
The water rose so high that some people had to use kayaks or rafts to get from point A to point B.
Floridians must be prepared to face any potential threat, and one very important thing to consider is purchasing flood insurance. Roughly 60% of homeowners in Florida's coastal counties DO NOT have flood insurance.
Many parts of Broward County are "not in the floodzone" but if we take a look a few years back we might recall the 4-5 days of nonstop rainfall we experienced in Broward County. Having lived in South Florida for 27 years, I have rarely/if ever saw the Sawgrass Mills Mall shutdown. The mall was a lake, and no one was able to get through the parking lots. We cannot wait until natural disasters like this strike to be prepared, take the time out now to have everything ready so that you can focus on more important things during a storm.
Why Should I Purchase Right Now?
Typically, a policy does not take effect until 30 days after the date of purchase. Buying and maintaining flood insurance now will help protect Floridians financially from storm damage.
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Be prepared for whatever you may encounter. Most cases the insurance is very inexpensive and it proves to be extremely beneficial. Oppenheimer JW Group offers home and flood insurance. I recommend giving a call (954)384-8088 to get your home insured today.
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